Here's a rundown of the party schedule:
12:00 pm - Party starts
- Design your own dog tag
- Lego coloring pages and stickers
- Guess the numer of Lego in the container (prize)
12:30 pm
- Race car building and racing (no prizes)
1:15 pm
1:40 pm
Award the guess the number of Lego prize
Build the tallest standing tower in 10 minutes (3 teams, no prizes)
2:00 pm
2:20 pm
Walk back home
Cake and ice cream
2:45 pm
3:00 pm - Party Ends
Build your own dog tag
Guess the number of Lego in the container
Guess the number of lego pieces prize
Pop the balloons and collect your wheels
Race Car Building
Nice car, birthday boy!
Car race track
Car Racing
Pizza lunch with fruit salad and crudites
Lego Brick Hunt
Lego Pinata
Made from cardboard box, sliced mailing tube and spray paint.

Collectible Lego Mystery Mini Figure (Zombie)

Goody bag take home items:
- Lego Club Magazine (with free Legoland kid's ticket)
- Personalized bookmark
- Homemade Lego minifigure crayons
- Design your own minifigure drawing
- Dogtag necklace
- Lego brick candy
- Limited Edition Lego Mystery minifigure

Party Decor
This is great! What a fun party:-) Thanks for purchasing my party printables. I love your pinyata!
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HI! Just came across this - what pieces did you use for the dog tags and how did you attach it to the chain? I would love to know! Kristen
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