After I noticed my 5 year old carrying his money around in ziplock baggies, I figured it was high time I made him a wallet. Of course, that was a while ago. But, in my defense, when he said he wanted a Clone Wars wallet, I was stumped. Now, how was I going to pull that off? Then I discovered this tutorial and knew that I had the quick and easy answer. Using pages from a Lego magazine, I was able to come up with this design. Ignoring the fact that my sewing machine was on the fritz (hence the reason for the awful stitching on the bottom), I thought it turned out pretty cool. And best of all, my son is happy!
I used clear contact paper and added some sticky velcro circles, which I cut in half, to close the coin purse and the wallet. I also added another small piece on the tab, so that when it folded over the coin purse it would be facing the right way. (See the storm troopers right side up.) I've got a local supplier of Lego magazines close by, so I'm going to try my hand at a few more, until I get it right. I'll be enlarging the pattern, since my wallet is only slightly bigger than the bills.
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